
Despite advances in recent years, prejudice and misunderstanding remain about LBG and transgendered people in society at large. QLGF has gone some way to changing attitudes through publications, meetings and discussion. We should like to do more. It is important that we are considered when issues relevant to us arise – for example, bereavement, employment, family life, criminal justice and other pastoral care.

Sadly discrimination against LBG and transgendered people exists in many liberal countries (including the UK), employment, housing, inheritance and immigration. We would like all Quakers to be aware of issues raised by LGB and transgendered rights and responsibilities. We hope they will work towards the adoption or non-discriminatory policies and attitudes.

Currently, our membership stands at about 240 nationally, with an almost even gender balance. We have a small number of local, mixed gender groups and individual contacts around the county. Meeting activities include discussions, walks, visits. Trips, worship-sharing and occasional weekend gatherings to concentrate on a particular project. Each regional group is autonomous and makes its own programme and does not, as a rule, require members to become national members.

We hold two annual gatherings a year in Spring and Autumn: one a residential weekend; the other a day conference. These events usually have a theme with an invited speaker and workshops, plus free time, entertainment, a Meeting for Worship and a business meeting.
We welcome enquirers from any denomination or religion or from no religion at all. We ask only that you agree with the aims and outlook of the Fellowship and broadly with the principles of the Religious Society of Friends.